Bring Sexy Back
For decades, liposuction has been a leading body contouring technique surgeons have used to remove unwanted fat. Liposuction is minimally invasive because a thin hollow tube is inserted below the skin to reach the subcutaneous fat layer. This layer of fat is tough to remove with diet and exercise. [1] The best way to remove subcutaneous fat is through a cosmetic procedure like liposuction. Lipo helps patients remove small pockets of fat that cause uneven, unappealing contours and hide the muscle definition you worked hard to achieve. Patients can choose to treat specific parts of their back, like the upper or middle back only, or both. The lower back can also be treated as part of a Lipo 360 procedure, giving you a complete reshape of your torso.
The Tumescent Technique
The tumescent technique eliminates the need for general anesthesia and hospital stays. The procedure also reduces the risk of bleeding complications. [2] At Denver Liposuction, we offer different methods of tumescent liposuction to help you slim down and look your best!
Tumescent Liposuction in Denver, CO
Most forms of liposuction performed today utilize tumescent fluid. Also known as Klein’s solution, it contains lidocaine, epinephrine, and saline. Before the fat is suctioned away, the treatment area is infiltrated with the tumescent solution to anesthetize, the area, minimize bleeding, and to make the fat easier to remove. This provides longer-lasting local anesthesia and blood vessel constriction. The loosened fat is easily removed, and the treatment area becomes beautifully contoured.
VASERlipo in Denver, CO
The energy in VASERlipo targets the cells that store fat. The energy produced by the cannula – high-frequency sound waves – agitates the tumescent fluid, breaking the fat cell’s walls and causing the release of the contents into the intercellular space. This creates a fatty emulsion, which is easily extracted from the subcutaneous area by low-vacuum suction. [3]
No matter which liposuction procedure you choose, the doctor will begin by numbing the area with a local anesthetic. The days of general anesthesia and expensive hospital stays are long gone, just shortened recovery time and increased safety.
Benefits of Liposuction for the Back
The top selling point of liposuction is the complete removal of fat cells from the targeted area – once the cells are gone, they won’t return. With our tumescent liposuction procedures, adipose tissue that you can’t burn off at the gym is easily removed using advanced technology. Additionally, our liposuction for the back has reduced recovery times and risk. A sleek, sexy back is just a phone call away! Reach out to us to schedule your consultation. Patients in Denver and the surrounding areas can call (720) 372-2155 or fill out this form, and we will call you back shortly.
Ideal Candidates for Liposuction
Back liposuction is suggested as part of a program to regain the shape of your upper torso. Liposuction cannot replace a proper diet and exercise program and cannot build muscle, nor is it a solution for weight loss. Cosmetic surgery aims to enhance your features and remove fat you cannot burn off through aerobic exertion. During your consultation, we will go over the projected outcomes of your procedure and the realistic expectations you should have.
To determine if you’re a good candidate for back liposuction, ask yourself: