We also suggest having a wardrobe of loose-fitting clothing. Your sides will be tender and swollen following liposuction, and this will make getting dressed easier.
After you arrive at Denver Lipo, you’ll meet with your surgeon to discuss any last-minute details, answer any questions, and make sure you’re comfortable. They’ll make markings on your sides to guide them as they perform the procedure. These markings are topographical and help identify the specific bulges and depths that will need to be addressed in order to achieve even, symmetrical results that complement your unique anatomy. Then, you’ll be administered local anesthesia and a sedative, and be prepped for surgery. The tumescent fluid will be injected into the treatment areas and then the cannula will be inserted via small incisions that are strategically located to allow the surgeon to evenly access the area. Once the necessary amount of fat is removed from each flank, the incisions will be closed, and your torso will be placed in a compression garment. The pressure from this wrapping will help alleviate swelling, and ensure that the cavities formed in the remaining fat collapse for an even, smooth contour.
When the procedure is complete, we’ll move you to a recovery room and monitor you until you’re ready to be released to your designated caregiver. Immediately after, you will still be numb from the anesthesia and will still be unable to feel the effects of the treatment. As the anesthesia wears off, you’ll have prescribed medication to manage any discomfort. The first two or three days of recovery are usually the most uncomfortable, so you’ll want to make sure that you have your pain medication on hand, and are able to focus on resting. You’ll have a follow-up appointment in the days after your procedure so that we can monitor your progress, and answer any questions you have about the recovery process.
You’ll need to continue wearing compression garments as instructed, for anywhere from one to three months as you heal. You’ll be able to remove them to shower, and clean your incision sites. It’s normal to experience some fluid drainage from your incisions following liposuction, and absorbent pads can help make the experience less unpleasant. Although the majority of swelling will dissipate over the next few weeks, residual swelling can last for up to six months.
After swelling and discomfort subside, your leaner contour will take shape. Maintaining this new physique will require a healthy lifestyle, with regular exercise and a balanced diet. Liposuction removes fat cells, but it’s impossible to remove all the fat cells in a treatment area. So, the remaining fat cells are still able to expand if your body has the opportunity to store excess calories, say from overeating or a sedentary lifestyle. With the right upkeep, you can maintain a healthy body weight and enjoy sleek sides and a smaller waistline for many years. Corresponding & Complementary Procedures
Denver Lipo also performs liposuction in tandem with a fat transfer. Our surgeons can liposuction fat from areas like the flanks or abdomen that can then be transferred to other body parts to create a fuller, rounder, more youthful appearance. Fat transfers are done for the buttocks as part of the popular Brazilian Butt Lift procedure, which is also called a gluteal fat transfer. (3)
The cost of liposuction will vary depending on each patient’s unique needs and overall goals. Schedule a consultation with us today to learn more about how liposuction can help you attain your goals and help reshape your form to reach an achievable, desirable ideal!